For many people, achieving financial freedom is a goal. It usually means having sufficient savings, investments, and cash in hand to afford the lifestyle we want for ourselves and our families, and a growing nest egg that will allow us to retire or pursue the career we want without being motivated each year by earning a certain amount. Sadly, too many of us do not succeed in achieving it. The good news is that more people are achieving financial freedom more quickly today than ever before. You can become one of them too through proper financial planning and making it a goal to improve your finances. Everyone is talking about financial freedom and dreaming about it. For you, what does financial freedom mean? Does it mean unlimited power to purchase? Is that a big house, new model cars and an expensive holiday? Is it debt freedom? The hard truth is that the accumulation of wealth is not financial freedom. It is the mastery you have over your finances, instead.Only a small percentage of us attain the financial freedom that we long for. We all want to have enough money to make sure we never have to worry again about money. This book is intended to help you build a mindset to help you achieve financial freedom by following the easiest path.