This book will help you make better decisions. It will also give you an edge as a leader by introducing you to the game changing theory of Causal Economics. Successful people work hard, yet there's a deeper, common thread that guides them forward--powerful decisions. Do you want to make better decisions? Do you NEED to make better decisions? Are you relying on outdated management decision theories?Andrew Horton helps leaders change their organizations and the world through better decisions. As the founder of an exciting new stream of Behavioral Economics--Causal Economics--and an award-winning technology marketing executive with more than 20 years direct experience making big impact decisions--his perspective is unique. His work is published in peer reviewed academic journals and he is regularly called upon to make submissions and review those of others. Andrew's expertise is constantly in demand from top brands. He holds an advanced economics degree from Western University and an MBA from The Ivey School of Business."DECISIVE presents a fresh approach to leadership decision making. It's not the same old buzzwords, being grounded in equally innovative economic principles." John Cardella, Former CPO, Ceridian, Canada."This book is a refreshing chance to think outside the box.". Carl Gomez, Former Economist with TD and RBC."No matter what your current leadership expertise, DECISIVE can help you look deeper and potentially get better." Eric Sorrentino, Chapter President, Ivey Alumni Network, London, Ontario.