Open Leadership is an answer to a present-day need. The Open is related to an evolving view upon the human being. Non-conscious mental processing should be taken into account as the basis of human affairs. We need Open Leaders who act according to the why of who we are.If one compares consciousness with a ship, then the non-conscious (‘deeper self’) is the ocean. A bossy captain can suffice to steer the ship. In reality, a total person is the ship and the ocean together. An Open Leader takes this into account for himself and others.An Open Leader is Compassionate. He sees people as total persons and strives for the best for them. In doing so, he does not run counter to the interests of any organization. People who feel supported where it matters – deep inside – are generally grateful. They feel motivated and inspired. They do good while doing well. An Open Leader lets people thrive in a thriving environment. A Read&Do is a doing book, including the reading part. Any text is an invitation to you to invite yourself. These are messages meant for you to grow from inside. Read slowly – Do swiftly. Enjoy the process.