If you are looking for a guide to learn how stock markets works, then keep reading…When starting out in the stock investment world, there will be a lot of unfamiliar terms and procedures that you must become familiar with to be successful in investing. Many individuals fail to begin to invest in stock because it is so different from the typical banking experience. Although it will take time to educate yourself on the stock market, that time will definitely be beneficial to you. Once you learn more about the stock market, you will possess a greater understanding of the global economic market. This further understanding will allow you to multiply your money and generate passive income.The stock market is much like an auction. Buyers will bid for the stock, which means that they are telling the sellers what the highest price they are willing to pay for the stock is. In return, the sellers will ask for a certain price. The gap between these two prices is known as the bid-ask spread, which must be closed for a successful trade. There are a number of terms that you must familiarize yourself with to understand the stock market better. These are crucial for maximizing your trading potential.