Committees are indispensable tothe governance of higher education, yet there is seldom guidance to faculty andadministrators on how committeesshould be conducted or how to maximize committee obligations. Thisis the first handbook on how both to manage committees and how to engage effectivelyas members to achieve departmental or broad institutional goals, and howparticipation valuably contributes to individual learning and advancement.Based on empirical research,organizational theory, and interviews with faculty and administrators, Dr. DavidFarris provides an informative and vivid examination of the dynamics ofcommittee work, addresses the planning, conduct, roles, composition, and dispositionsof members as well as the institutional context and structures in which theyoperate that are vital to organizational success.Committees are not just laboratoriesfor implementing the vision of university leadership, developing solutions toinstitutional challenges, and refining organizational procedures; they are theproving ground for future leaders in higher education. How members perform incommittees reflects our professionalism, aptitude, integrity, and character –all-important considerations given that we serve as ambassadors for ourdepartment, college, office, and colleagues.In offering guidance on good committeepractices, a recurring theme of thisbook is that readers should critically evaluate individual performance and howit impacts others or the committee at large. Too often the locus of control ispresumed to be reserved for the chairperson even though significant influence canbe exercised through informal leadership, member dispositions, and leveragingsocial networks.Inaddition to reviewing the mechanism of committees, David Farris providespractical information regarding the functional application of committees(tactical, operational, or strategic), committee leadership and management,group dynamics that influence committee performance, and the importance ofdiversity and inclusive committee cultures to institutional performance.Throughout the book he identifies opportunities for faculty and administratorsto reflect on their committee experiences, challenges readers to consider howto capitalize on committee experiences, and consider the various ways thatcommittees shape institutional culture and performance.This book provides guidance on how to create committees that areconducive to fair, equitable, and engaging participative decision-makingexperiences to yield the best results and topromote enthusiasm for participation in committees, whether as chairs orcommittee members.