WISDOM OF THE WEALTHY.FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCEThe rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is a servant to the lender. The time of financial manna is history. This period is the era of financial harvest where principles and their application make you wealthy.No amount of cash can make a mentally poor person wealthy. Wealth is for the wise.This book is intended to ignite a spark in the brain and heart of the reader to take practical real steps towards wealth building and ultimately become wealthy.Wealth travels on the path of wisdom. Wealth is not what is outside you; it is within.Note that every dime on earth is already in someone’s possession. There is no free- floating money anywhere in the world.WISDOM OF THE WEALTHY by the Podium Masters is an embodiment of supernatural and scriptural wisdom specially designed to help anyone conquer poverty for life. Podium Masters is a professional consultant on wealth and public speaking and has trained and helped many convert their wisdom to wealth.Will you not rise up today in arms (spiritually, educationally and legally allowed arms) and recover what is yours? Poverty is evil. There is a strong believe that the secrets of the natural are hidden in the spiritual.ALL OF THESE AND MORE ARE IN THIS BOOK FOR YOU.Thank you for buying. A happy reading to you.CLICK and buy right now and enjoy “WISDOM OF THE WEALTHY.