Do you, have no control over your financial destiny? Do you believe that investing in stockmarket is similar to gambling? Have you believed that Stock Market is a place to make BigMoney, Fast Money and Effortless Money? Do you believe that stock market is a roller coasterride and feel it is risky? Have you tried your “luck” at the stock market, but have walked awaylittle poorer?If most of the answers to these questions is yes, then this book is for You. In this book, all thesemyths would be clarified. You will learn to take control of your financial destiny and experienceFinancial Wellness, through simple step by step approach to Money Management; First byhaving a Safety Net, then having Wealth Preservation through diversifying your investments indifferent Asset Class and Finally Creating and Enhancing your Wealth. You will learn aboutFinancial Planning and Goal Setting, Financial Discipline, Risk and Return Trade Off and theBasics of Primary and Secondary Stock Market. You will understand the importance of “ValueInvesting” and wealth creation.This is a memoir of a Stock Market Professional turned Academician. Dr. Anita P Bobade, hasparticipated in the physical trading ring’ s open outcry system of the BSE and witnessed itsevolution to online trading terminals to the present algorithm trading. She believes that, the stockmarket is driven by two important emotions – Greed and Fear. She has shared the MoneyManagement Lessons which her “Rich Dad” taught her as a kid and is still relevant.